Poke Bowl a perfect meal for summer days


Poke Bowl is a modern dish with rice and they originate from Japan. Today, they are popular in the rest of the world as well.

Poke actually means „cutting, slicing“ and it refers to the pieces of marinated raw fish, most often tuna. This is essentially the new generation of sushi.

10 minutes PREPARATION
15 minutes COOKING


  • 200 gr of rice
  • 50 gr edamame
  • 50 gr of sweet corn
  • 1 cucumber
  • 4 lettuce leaves
  • 200 gr of salmon
  • blueberry, currants, black and white sesame to your taste
  • 1 spoon of mayonnaise (about 10 gr)
  • 20 gr of sour cream
  • 10 gr of sriracha sauce or some other alterantive (look at the text)
  • 200 ml of soy sauce
  • 5 ml honey
  • 10 gr brown sugar
  • 5 gr of ground ginger (you can use the fresh one as well but pay attention to the quanitity)
  • Salt, pepper to your taste - for the final part
  • Crispy algae -optional as a decoration


  1. Make the rice according to the instructions and leave it aside.
  2. Blanch edamame and sweet corn (if frozen) in boiling water. Strain and leave aside.
  3. Wash and cut lettuce and cucumber. Chop the lettuce into smaller pieces, and cucumber into thin discs.
  4. Just wash and dry blueberries and currants .
  5. Cut the salmon into 1cm x 1cm cubes
  6. Hot sauce for rice is made by mixing all the ingredients for it into a homogeneous mixture. At the end mix the cooked rice into the sauce as well.
  7. Reduced soy sauce is made by mixing all the ingredients and putting them on the stove to reduce a bit for about 5-7 minutes.
  8. Poke arrangement: In the circular cross-section mold (a smaller mold up to 12 cm), put rice mixed into the hot sauce. On top of that you put cucumber, lettuce, salmon, edamame and corn.
  9. Salt and pepper on top. Add crispy algae (nori) and pour the reduced soy sauce over.
  10. You can put all of this into a bowl and make a real poke bowl.

So, you have to take my word for it because you first start eating this dish with your eyes.

It’s actually a quick preparation of rice dish and for the stuffing you can make whatever comes to your mind. The sauce is the key. For starters, I will suggest one way of making it to you and you will think of other combinations.

Measures are less important for this rice dish. The only important thing is whether you like to eat a lot 🙂 The rest is to your taste.

Rice dishes

Chili option

For this poke you need:

Rice (any type, the best is jasmine; follow the preparation instructions on the box). About one cup for two people, if you are not that much of a foodie 🙂

Edamame (as a substitution you can use peas or asparagus)

Sweet corn (you can use any type, frozen, freshly cooked…it doesn’t matter)

Cucumber (cut it into thin discs)

Lettuce (I used crystal salad, but of course, you can use whichever you want)

Fresh salmon – about 100 gr per person

A little bit or a bit more currants and blueberries depending on how you like it.

Black and white sesame, or some other type of seeds.

Then, for the chili sauce you need a spoon of mayonnaise, 2 spoons of sour cream, a bit of sriracha sauce.

Sriracha sauce is a red spicy sauce that you can make yourself. For the homemade sauce you need hot pepper (in the original recipe serrano and jalapeno), garlic, vinegar, brown sugar, salt). If you are feeling too lazy to make it, then just use chopped hot pepper 🙂

Riža sa ribom / Poke bowl recipe

Salt and pepper are always important.

You can even use dried algae – break, chop and sprinkle them on top of the poke.

And now it’s the important sauce’s turn. I made it out of 200 ml soy sauce, a teaspoon of honey, spoon of brown sugar and ginger (grated or powdered). Mix everything together, put it on the stove and heat up until the entire mixture is reduced a bit. The mixture is done when it gets sticky and dense.

Riža sa ribom / Poke bowl recipe

Process and arrangement

Once you have cooked the rice, mix it with sour cream, mayonnaise and sriracha (homemade, from the supermarket or your own hot sauce). You should get a partially moist mixture which you can shape with a mold.

I arranged everything in this order – spicy rice (circular cross- section mold), fresh cucumber discs, finely chopped lettuce, fresh salmon cut into cubes. On top of that blanched edamame and corn. I poured reduced and spicy soy sauce sprinkled with roasted sesame over all of that.

You can decorate the whole dish how I did it or put it in the bowl the way you want it (you can also put the ingredients one next to the other) and pour the reduced soy sauce over.

jela sa pirinčem/Riža sa ribom / Poke bowl recipe

The rest of my suggestions for poke bowl you can find here.


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