Juicy and soft roasted meat from the oven


Roasted meat from the oven

I prepared roasted meat from the oven for three times in the last month and a half. My advice is, if you already prepare it, you should get the amount of meat which is enough to satisfy all your needs for the next couple of days (it can be kept in the fridge for quite a while).

You can even freeze the leftovers, but I’m sure there won’t be any, so you don’t have to worry about it 🙂

Roasted meat prepared in this way is full of flavors, soft, and simply melting in your mouth,

But how?

Recipe consists of two parts:

  1. Preparing marinade for the meat, in which it should be kept for 24 hours
  2. Roasting in the oven.

The important factor is buying the meat. Although I often ask the butcher to remove the excess of the fat which I don’t like, in this case I asked for a pork shoulder with a lot of fat on the surface. Trust me, all that fat will melt (you get the extra dipping) and what remains you can remove afterwards.

When I prepared this for the first time, my husband wasn’t exactly thrilled with all these spices I planned to rub into the meat. As he said, they were going to ‘ruin’ the meat. I know, people in this area love meat with as little spices as possible, as they would say, ‘klot’, but I cannot imagine this roasted meat without this combination.

Here, the spices play a twofold role, making crust on the surface (as you can see in the photos in the section ‘how’), and they provide the additional flavor to the dipping that is created.

As it’s up to your taste, my recommended amount of spices is in the recipe. You can change the amount you are planning to add to this dish depending on your taste. Also, you can find all of the spices in shops and in any of the stores.


Marinating the meat overnight

pečenje iz rerne


Roasted meat from the oven

pečenje iz rerne


Ripped pork

pečenje iz rerne

Additional advice

The best part of this entire preparation is that you can put meat in the oven to roast before you go to sleep. It roasts overnight to be prepared for the lunch tomorrow.  You don’t have to cover it with tin foil because it’s protected by its own fat, and I mentioned its importance in this recipe.

You don’t even have to get up during the night to check on it. It won’t burn at the suggested temperature for the size of the pork shoulder in the recipe:


You can serve it as I did. It can be a part of the New Year’s dinner, or any celebration, but you can also put it in the tortilla, or simply as meat with a salad.

Don’t forget to chill one beer to make the experience even better 🙂

You won’t fail no matter what you do, because this is simply fabulous and will always be tasty!!

I wish you a juicy and tasty roasted meat, with as many layers as a cake.

Hi, I'm Sanja Pejic!

Ćao svima! Ja sam Sanja, rođena sam u Beogradu, a živim i radim u Italiji. Bavim se klasičnom muzikom, sviram violinu i klavir. Volim psihologiju, umetnost i uživam u kuvanju. Često eksperimentišem i spajam italijansku i našu domaću kuhinju :) .

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