How to make strawberry tart recipe that nobody can resist


Very quick and easy recipe for a strawberry tart recipe with chocolate, sprinkled with coconut and with a very crunchy crust. This time I experimented with shape. It’s nothing too complicated, there are just a few more steps to take then for the usual tart.  But the effect is so much better…everyone was impressed by its look 😉

Recept za Tart od jagoda i čokolade

10 minutes PREPARATION
20 minutes COOKING


  • 90 gr of coconut sugar (or its substitute)
  • 180 gr room temperature butter
  • 3 yolks (about 60gr)
  • 180 gr flour for general purposes
  • 80 gr ground almonds
  • 110 gr ground hazelnuts
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 whole lemon zest
  • 200 gr dark chocolate
  • 250 ml heavy cream
  • 30 gr powdered sugar (optional for the filling)
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla flavour
  • 300 gr fresh strawberries
  • 1 gelatin sheet
  • a few mint leaves
  • a bit of water


  1. Cut the butter (at room temperature) in cubes and mix it well with coconut sugar, lemon zest and salt.
  2. Add yolks into the whipped butter and continue with mixing until you get a smooth mixture.
  3. Then gradually add regular flour, ground hazelnuts and almonds and mix until you get a smooth mixture.
  4. Form dough from the mixture, wrap it in the transparent foil and leave in the fridge to cool for a minimum of 2-3 hours, but the best thing to do is to leave it overnight.
  5. After cooling for 2-3 hours, spread the dough with a rolling pin and transfer it into the mould of a 26 cm diametre, previously coated with butter and sprinkled with flour. Spread the dough even on the side edges of the mould. If excess dough appears, remove it or save it and use for a smaller tart.
  6. Tart crust in the mould should not be too thick (maximum 1 cm on the sides). Tart crust can be baked in two ways. The first way is to, after transferring the dough into the mould, put the mould in the oven heated to 180°C and bake for 15 minutes. The other way is to bake the tart crust in two parts. Firstly, you have to put baking paper inside the tart and put beans (or something else) that will act as a weight. Put that tart crust into the previously heated oven to 180°C and bake for 7-8 minutes.
  7. Then take out the tart crust, remove "the weight" and bake it for 7-8 minutes more. Pay attention not to overbake the crust because it will be hard later.
  8. Tart crust is done when you stick a toothpick into it and it stays dry when you take it out.
  9. While the tart is baking, prepare the filling, clean and chop the strawberries.
  10. Heat up the heavy cream to the boiling point in a small bowl and remove from the burner.
  11. Add broken chocolate, vanilla flavour (powdered sugar is optional) and mix it all together until the chocolate is completely melted and you get a smoth and shiny chocolate filling.
  12. In the meantime tart crust will already be baked. Take it out of the oven, and put the filling into a pastry bag and fill the tart.
  13. Tart crust and filling have to be the same temperature while filling (not too hot, but not too cold either...the best is room temperature).
  14. Add strawberries on the chocolate filling, sprinkle with coconut flour and decorate with mint.
  15. At the end, sprinkle the strawberries with gelatin spray. If you don't have gelatin spray, melt a gelatin sheet according to the instructions on the bag and spread it on the strawberries with a brush. They will look fresh longer.
  16. The only thing left to do is cool it down in the fridge for about 2-3 hours before serving, if you can handle it 🙂 We couldn't 🙂

Strawberry tart recipe

The highlight is the crust, which is really fantastic. I haven’t tried such a tasty tart base in a very long time. What can I say, I kept eating it even when I was making it…my hand just kept putting it in my mouth…

Recept za Tart od jagoda i čokolade

Necessary ingredients for the crust:

Coconut sugar (you can also use regular brown sugar as well, and if you don’t have that one, then you can use the normal white crystal sugar). Butter, yolks, regular white flour, hazelnut and almond flour, salt, lemon zest. I made almond and hazelnut flour myself grinding the almonds and hazelnuts in the tiniest pieces.

Butter has to be at room temperature so that it mixes with sugar, lemon zest, and salt easier. Then, I added the yolks into the mixture and continued mixing everything.

As my blender stopped working, I had to finish the crust for this strawberry tart recipe using my hands. If the dough seems thinner than usual, don’t be desperate…it’s supposed to be like that. After putting the crust into transparent foil and leaving it overnight in the fridge (or leave it for a minimum of 2 hours) it hardened enough so I could spread it with a rolling pin easily.

Take a look at the section HOW within this recipe to see how to make a doughnut-shaped tart (I made a video to make it easier for you).

Recept za Tart od jagoda i čokolade


Filling is a little bit thinner than the dark chocolate ganache. When I say thinner I mean that you have to put more heavy cream than chocolate. On 250 ml of heavy cream goes 200 gr of 65% cocoa dark chocolate. I didn’t add powdered sugar, but if you like your filling sweeter feel free to do it.

Warm the heavy cream almost to the boiling point, remove from the burner and add broken chocolate in it. Stir everything together until you get a smooth mixture. Add vanilla flavour, too. The crust and chocolate have to be the same or similar temperature during the filling.

Recept za Tart od jagoda i čokolade


Fresh strawberries, mint, and gelatin. I personally liked to dip strawberries into the chocolate filling a bit, so I arranged them on it while it was still warm.

Recept za Tart od jagoda i čokolade

I sprayed them with melted gelatin so that the strawberries wouldn’t change their colour and shape. At the end, I decorated it with coconut flour and mint.

What can I say… I couldn’t wait for the chocolate tart to cool down in the fridge before tasting it 🙂

Recept za Tart od jagoda i čokolade

And the rest is history…there was not one piece of the strawberry tart left.

Recipe for Strawberry Tart with chocolate Recipe for Strawberry Tart with chocolate

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