French fruit mille feuille cheesecake


You must agree with me that fruit cheesecake is a treat often made during spring and summer.

But, fruit mille feuille cheesecake of a thousand sheets  (or a million or two) is certainly something you don’t come across every day.

15 minutes PREPARATION
60 minutes COOKING


  • 375 ml of water
  • 125 gr of butter cut into cubes
  • 1 spoon of sugar
  • 225 gr of flour
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 kg of cream cheese at room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla
  • 220 gr of sugar
  • 800 ml of cold sweet cream
  • 500 gr of blueberries (I like to make it rich with fruit)
  • 500 gr of raspberries
  • 80 gr baked almond sheets
  • optional powdered sugar
  • mint leaves


  1. Heat up the oven to 220°C. Draw three circles of 20 cm diameter on the baking paper which will serve as a mold for the crust. Coat the baking tray with butter and put the baking paper with the drawn out circles.
  2. Crust: Put water, butter and sugar in a pot and bring to a boil. Add flour and stir with a wooden scoop until all the ingredients unite and the dough begins to separate from the edges of the pot.
  3. Once the dough begins to separate from the edges of the pot, transfer it into a new bowl at room temperature. This is so as not to cook the eggs while putting them in.
  4. Whisk all the eggs in a new bowl.
  5. Gradually add the whisked eggs in the cooked dough and mix everything with a mixer until you get a smooth mixture.
  6. Put the ready dough into a piping bag with an ending of 1,5 cm diameter and make circles on the drawn out pattern on the baking paper.
  7. Bake the crusts in the oven at 220°C for the first 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180°C and bake for another 45 minutes or until the crust dries completely.
  8. Leave the baked crust to cool down before filling.
  9. Filling: Mix cream cheese, vanilla and sugar with a mixer.
  10. Whisk sweet cream into a firm whipped cream separately.
  11. Put the mixed cream cheese, vanilla and sugar into the 300 ml of whisked sweet cream and add a part of the fruit (arrange the quantity to your taste). Use the rest of the whipped cream for filling on the exterior of the fruit cheesecake.
  12. Cheesecake layering: crust, cream cheese filling with fruit, then crust again, then filling again and finish with crust.
  13. Fill the entire cheesecake with the whisked sweet cream, put the rest of the fruit on top, decorate with mint leaves and baked almond sheets.
  14. All there's left to do is to admire this beauty and enjoy the new French flavour.

Recipe Fruits Cheesecake / Voćni cheesecake

I must admit I took photos of this treat with pleasure. It’s one of the most photogenic cakes I have ever made.

You know, it was born with it. And this mille feuille cheesecake is both easy on the eye and tasty. It’s a very lucky cake 🙂

How to make this fruit mille feuille cheesecake?

It consists of three parts… crust, filling, and decoration, that is, baked almond sheets.


The crust is very easy to make and I think I will surprise you with the recipe.

If you know how to make French choux pastry for cream puffs, you will not have any problems with this recipe.

For this dough, you need water, butter, sugar, flour, eggs.

The first step is to heat up water, butter and sugar and bring to a boil. Butter and sugar should melt in boiling water. Then, gradually add flour with constant stirring. Mix and cook the dough until it completely starts to separate from the walls of the pot.

The goal is to have all the excess water evaporate and that’s when the dough is done.

Cheesecake u hiljadu listica / Cheesecake millefoglie

Whisk eggs in a separate bowl.

Transfer the hot cooked choux dough in a new bowl at room temperature and gradually add whisked eggs and stir. You can do this step with a mixer or by hand. I did it by hand so as not to make the mixer dirty 🙂

Put the mixed dough into a piping bag with an ending of 1,5 cm diameter (my recommendation) and squeeze out the dough into spiral-concentric circles of 20 cm diameter.

Make 3 crusts from the dough. Bake the crusts in the oven at 220°C for the first 10 minutes, then reduce the oven temperature to 180°C and bake for another 45 minutes until the dough dries. Well dried dough will turn into a thousand, two thousand or a million sheets 🙂

Fruits Cheesecake recipe / Voćni cheesecake

Filling for fruit mille feuille cheesecake

The filling is the standard one. It consists of cream cheese, vanilla, sugar, sweet cream, blueberry and raspberry.

Use the mixer for this part. Mix in the cream cheese, vanilla and sugar with the mixer.

Whisk sweet cream in a separate bowl.

Mix the blueberries and raspberries in 300 ml of whipped cream and put it together with cream cheese, vanilla and sugar. Put aside the rest of the whisked sweet cream. We will need it as a filling for the exterior of the fruit cheesecake.

One way of layering the fruit cheesecake

I layered it likes this:


Berries filling


Then again, berries filling

At the end, crust again

Cheesecake / Voćni cheesecake

Then I put the rest of the sweet cream (the one we put aside) on the entire fruit cheesecake. I put the fruit on top, decorated with mint leaves and put the baked almond sheets on the side.

Cheesecake u hiljadu listica / Cheesecake millefoglie

I am always for more options

Instead of making the crusts, there is a quicker option. You can go to a store and buy ready-made cream pie crusts and use them.

Another option is not to fill the last crust, but put a few fruits and sprinkle with powdered sugar. That’s how a thousand sheets will be more visible.

Don’t tell anyone that I taught you how to cheat in this recipe 🙂

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