Easy Cheesecake recipe with blueberry and chia seeds


I wanted to write this cheesecake recipe with blueberries and quinoa  as soon as possible because it’s fantastic. You should make use of the fresh blueberries season. But I think it can be good enough with frozen blueberries as well.

This is a phenomenal combination of tart dough and mascarpone cheesecake filling. If you make a cake with cheese, you should use a quality cheese and I recommend Galbani mascarpone cheese.

10 minutes PREPARATION
30 minutes COOKING


  • For crust:
  • 300 gr of flour
  • 175 gr cold butter cut into cubes
  • 40 gr powdered sugar
  • 1 yolk
  • 2 water spoons
  • For cheese filling:
  • 250 gr sweet cream
  • 200 gr mascarpone cheese
  • 20-40 gr powdered sugar (depending on how sweet you want it to be)
  • 1 vanilla flavour teaspoon
  • For blueberry filling:
  • 100 gr of blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 2 spoons of chia seeds
  • one lemon juice


  1. Mix flour and powdered sugar together and add cold butter cut in cubes.
  2. Rub in the butter together with flour to get dough of a grainy structure.
  3. Then add yolk and water gradually and continue with kneading the dough with a mixer. After a while, the dough will start to form into a ball and separate from the walls of the bowl.
  4. Wrap the dough in a transparent foil and leave it in the fridge for 2 hours to cool down so that you can spread it more easily later.
  5. While the dough is cooling down, make the mascarpone cheese part.
  6. Whisk the sweet cream and powdered sugar to get whipped cream.
  7. Then put mascarpone cheese in the mixture and mix it with whipped cream by putting mixer on medium speed.
  8. At the end, add vanilla flavour and mix it with whipped cream and mascarpone cheese.
  9. Fill the syringe bag with the mixture and and put it in the fridge to cool down.
  10. At the end make a blueberry layer by putting blueberries, lemon juice and chia seeds in the food processor or blender and mix everything into a homogenous mixture.
  11. Then leave everything aside so that the chia seeds absorb the excess lemon juice.
  12. In the meantime, take the dough crust out of the fridge and spread it with a rolling pin between two baking papers to a diameter a bit bigger than 26 cm.
  13. Transfer it into a baking mould of 26 cm diameter, remove the excess dough from the edges of the mould.
  14. Put the rounded baking paper in the central part of the mould and a weight in it (pasta or beans) so that the crust doesn't rise during the baking.
  15. Bake the crust at 170°C for the first 15 minutes with the weight, then the other 12/15 minutes without the weight in the center of the mould and crust.
  16. After the baking, leave the crust to cool down well, and then you can start filling.
  17. Fill the crust with the mascarpone cheese mixture we put into a syringe bag. K
  18. After that layer coat the cheesecake with the blueberry and chia seeds filling and decorate with fresh fruit and put it in the fridge for 2 hours.

And now a cheesecake recipe

How to make the crust?

The recipe for the tart crust that I make most often is so simple and there’s no room for mistakes.

What you need is flour, cold butter, salt or sugar depending on what you’re making – a cake, or something salty, a yolk and water.

Cheesecake recept sa borovnicama / Easy cheesecake recipe with blueberry

I mixed flour and powdered sugar together and added cold butter in cubes. Then I rubbed in the butter into the flour using my hands to get sort of a grainy mixture. You can use a mixer for sure, but I like the feeling of rubbing the cold butter in the flour.

In the end, I always turn the mixer on to finish my work. Then, after making a few circles with the mixer I add yolk, make another circle or two, and then I add water, too.

You should use the mixer until a dough ball is formed. If you have made a mistake in the recipe up until this point and notice that the dough ball is not forming itself, turn off the mixer and use your hands.

Then, put the ball into a transparent foil and put it in the fridge for 2 hours.

How to make a cheese filling?

You need sweet cream, mascarpone cheese, vanilla flavour and a little bit of powdered sugar. First, I whisked the sweet cream and added the powdered sugar according to the instructions on the packaging (you must keep it in the fridge before the whisking).

Cheesecake recept sa borovnicama / Easy cheesecake recipe with blueberry

Then I added mascarpone cheese and mixed in those ingredients with a mixer on lower speed. Adding the vanilla flavour later did not seem complicated at all.

I put the filling I got into a syringe bag, and then in the fridge to cool down.

By the way, we are still doing the cheesecake recipe even though everything goes into the fridge and it looks like ice-cream more and more 🙂

How to make the blueberry and chia seeds filling?

Ughhh that’s a real surprise…

Blueberries, lemon juice and chia seeds.

I mixed all three ingredients together like for a smoothie (in a blender) and left them for a few moments aside so that the chia seeds absorb the excess liquid.

Cheesecake recept sa borovnicama / Easy cheesecake recipe with blueberry

How to bake the crust?

I took the dough out of the fridge, left it for 5 minutes to warm up a bit. Then I spread it between the two baking papers so that the diameter was 26 cm… Just so that the dough edges go across the casserole a bit.

I sprinkled the casserole with the melted butter and flour so that when taking out the baked crust there are no surprises.

I put the dough into the casserole and then I covered the central part of the dough with the new rounded baking paper and put weight in it (pasta or beans) so that during the baking the bottom doesn’t rise.

For the first 15 minutes, I baked with „the weight“ at 170°C and a fan, then I took out the central baking paper and the weight and returned it in the oven for 12-15 minutes more.

Cheesecake recept sa borovnicama / Easy cheesecake recipe with blueberry

You already know that everyone knows its oven the best, and these are the parameters of my 10 year old oven, but you have to find out yours. In any case, they can’t be so different from the recommended ones.

When the crust is baked, it has to be cooled down to room temperature before filling.

How to fill?

I squeezed the mascarpone filling out of the syringe bag in a cooled down cheesecake crust. Then I put a blueberry and chia seeds filling layer over it and flattened everything.

You can decorate the way you like, I was creative and I combined all kinds of fruit I had in the house: peaches, blackberries and blueberries.

then I started dimming the lights in the dining room…

Cheesecake recept sa borovnicama / Easy cheesecake recipe with blueberry

How did the cheesecake disappear?

With dim lights everything is easier… It disappeared because I kept taking bits and pieces with a teaspoon…then I started taking more…to even out a side…then I exaggerated, and the other side became uneven…So I started smoothing out the other side…And in the end, everything was perfect with an empty casserole 🙂

And then I concluded… I need a bigger casserole 🙂

Bon Appétit 🙂

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