Unbelievably creamy strawberry cake made of leftovers


If you put this creamy and unbelievably tasty strawberry cake in the fridge it can also pose as ice cream.

creamy strawberry cake



  • 80 gr of almonds
  • 80 gr of ground walnuts
  • 2 spoons of cocoa
  • 30 gr of ground biscuits
  • 80 gr of raisins
  • 100 ml of rum
  • 2 spoons of coconut oil
  • 2 vanilla pods or vanilla flavour
  • 500 ml of sweet cream
  • 1 whipped cream additive
  • 2 bags of powdered gelatine
  • 7 spoon of powdered sugar
  • 125 gr of mascarpone cheese
  • 250 gr of ricotta


  1. Soak the raisins into rum for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Grind almonds in blender, then unite them with ground walnuts, cocoa, vanilla pod (or vanilla flavour) and ground biscuits.
  3. Add raisins and 2 spoons of rum in which the raisins were.
  4. Then add two spoons of coconut oil into the mixture and unite everything to get the smooth mixture from which you can make the crust.
  5. In the other bowl mix the sweet cream with powdered sugar and whipped cream additive so that it can be stable for as long as possible.
  6. In the third bowl, unite ricotta cheese, mascarpone and a vanilla pod or 1,5 teaspoons of vanilla flavour, then gradually unite with whipped cream by hands. Add powdered gelatine prepared according to the instructions on the bag into the mixture.
  7. Prepare the mold for the cake. Spread the melted butter along the edges of the mold and put the baking paper around it.
  8. First pour the crust mixture into the mold and spread evenly across the bottom all the way to the edges of the mold with your fingers so that we can get a thin base onto which we later put the cheese mixture.
  9. Then we add the cheese mixture and leave it into the fridge for 2-3 hours.
  10. When the cake is a bit tighter, you need to decorate it with strawberries, mint leaves, grated white chocolate or cocoa like in the pictures.

I mixed it out of:

ricotta cheese (the substitute can be cream cheese, unsalted cottage cheese)

mascarpone cheese

whipped cream 


and different kinds of stone fruit

To be honest, it’s made out of leftovers…all that was left from preparations of some previous pastries.

creamy strawberry cake

And what’s left is so little that you can’t do anything else but to mix it all together in the same pot.

I did it and got this magnificent creamy strawberry cake…not only one, but two 🙂

Creamy strawberry cake

Step 1

I had a bit of (you can find the precise measures in the recipe at the end of this text) almonds, walnuts, ground biscuits, raisins, cocoa.

creamy strawberry cake

A little bit of everything, and in the middle is what I got

I soaked raisins into rum and let them be for 15 to 20 minutes. In the meantime, I put all the stone fruit in the blender and mixed them all up, added 2 spoons of coconut oil, 1 vanilla pod (substitute is 1 and a half teaspoon of vanilla flavour).

When raisins got soaked up I transferred them into the blender and added a spoon of rum in which they were soaked.

Mix it all together and you’ll get the base for the non-baking cake.

creamy strawberry cake

When you mix everything together this is what you get

The texture looks like this and you can shape it easily:

creamy strawberry cake

Strawberry cake’s base texture

Step 2

In the other bowl you have to prepare the whipped cream with powdered sugar and add whipped cream fix (to stabilize whipped cream, it’s bought at the same spot as the powdered sugar), so you can get whipped cream.

creamy strawberry cake

Sweet cream with powdered sugar

Step 3

Mix it ricotta, mascarpone, a vanilla pod in the third bowl and you’ll get the essence of this cake, then gradually mix it with the whipped cream.

creamy strawberry cake

I put together the cheeses and vanilla

The texture looks like this, and the little black spots are from vanilla

creamy strawberry cake


Also, melt one and a half bag of powdered gelatine according to the instruction on the bag and put it into the mixture of cheeses and whipped cream.

Step 4

Prepare the mold (I had one square and one round) where you will pour your cake in.

Spread the melted butter around the edges of the mold and sheathe it with baking paper. Cut the baking paper so that it can fit the mold, but let it stick out of it a bit, like in the picture:

creamy strawberry cake

The preparation of the mold

Step 5

First put the non-baking crust mixture and spread it evenly across the entire mold with your fingers, then pour the cheese mixture in and flatten it.

creamy strawberry cake

This is how it looks like when the mold is filled with the crust and cheese fillings

Now that this dessert is done, put it in the fridge for about 2-3 hours.

If you want ice cream, at this stage you can put it in the freezer for the same amount of time and it will be really refreshing in these summer days.

Because after this you just have to add strawberries and decoration.

creamy strawberry cake


I made two cakes (smaller sized) from the material that I had. By the way, there was enough material for a cake of a 23 cm diameter (this is the size of the mold you can get). These two were smaller and thinner.

For the decoration, you’ll need fresh strawberries, strawberry sauce (or topping for strawberry ice cream), melted chocolate or again ice cream chocolate topping, a few mint leaves, a little bit of cocoa and/or grated white chocolate.

creamy strawberry cake

The square shaped option decorated with cocoa, strawberries, and mint

Option number two of creamy strawberry cake:

creamy strawberry cake

The round one decorated only with strawberry, grated white chocolate, and mint leaves

With strawberry topping

creamy strawberry cake

For those who like it, creamy strawberry cake with chocolate topping

creamy strawberry cake

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