What can you do in Syrmia for one-day trip?
Srem or Syrmia
I’ve passed through the Syrmia lots of times, but without a stopover. It wasn’t on my tourist map even when I went on a one day trip. That is probably because I didn’t know much about that destination. However, now I am in a better position and I recommend you this trip if your main tourist destination is Serbia.
Furthermore, this is one of the trips on budget, even below the budget 🙂 . The highest cost is traveling by car or by bus from Belgrade or some other place in Serbia to Syrmia.
Syrmia sits between Western Serbia and Pannonian Basin. For those who don’t know, the administrative center of Syrmia is Sremska Mitrovica. The name “Syrmia” came from the ancient city of Sirmium (now Sremska Mitrovica).
One day trip do Syrmia
Municipalities or community Pecinci and Serbian Museum of Bread
First of all, the municipality is located in the Syrmia district. It is only 24 km from the center of Belgrade, and 15 km from airport Nikola Tesla driving via highway. Just for a day trip.
Pecinci has a lot to show and I did not even know that some of the locations belong to that municipality.
For one day trip don’t miss this
Serbian Bread Museum

It was founded in 1995 by a painter Slobodan Jeremic – Grandfather Jeremia. The museum was a result of years of collecting and research done by the painter Jeremia, who has visited more than 750 Serbian villages during the last 30 years. The Museum is also his family house. The main concept of the museum display aims to show the journey of the wheat grain from the “soil, over bread to the heaven” thus corresponding to the Jeremia’s painting cycles of “Soil”, “Bread” and “Heaven”.
The entire museum is dedicated to Saint Nicholas.

Painter is also involved in the museum constructing and the whole museum represents a work of authorship.
Soil– presented through the machine tools which are used for processing

Bread – the tool for bread preparation, getting and processing the flour

Heaven – a touch of heaven, presented in the “chapel” built and painted by Jeremiah

Entrance to the museum is charged for about 1,5 Euros per person, not a sum of money that is supposed to prevent you from discovering what other exhibits can be seen there.

Ethno houses
For those who wish to stay a little bit longer, my suggestion is to visit traditional Serbian ethno houses. They are situated in the same municipality. Those ethno houses are one of the older ones in Serbia.
Ethno houses in Karlovčić, Kupinovo, and Ogar.
And, of course, Obedska pond, just 40 km from Belgrade.
The municipality of Sid
What is the thing that typically ties you for the city of Sid?
For me, that is going to West Europe and crossing the state border.
How many times have I passed through Sid, while traveling to West, and I have never stayed longer than I needed to, in order to cross the state border.
Sid is located on the slopes of Fruska Gora, just a few kilometers from the highway Belgrade-Zagreb.
Serbian Orthodox Church
In the city center, Serbian Orthodox Church St. Nicholas is a must see. The first documents which testify the existence of this church date back to 1774. Interior of the church is made in beautiful Baroque style.

Church St. Nicholas

Behind the church, there is an old primary school.

Sid is the birthplace of many Serbian artists.
Grozdana Olujic– writer
and the famous one is a painter
Near the Orthodox church of St. Nicholas on the right, only a hundred meters away, there is a Gallery Sava Sumanovic, which you definitely should visit (link is in Serbian Cyrillic but you can see all the beautiful pictures of this famous Serbian painter).

The gallery was founded in 1852 on the basis of the deed of gift between Sava’s mother, named Persida Sumanovic and the city of Sid.

Galerie contains Sava’s 417 works, from oil paintings to sketches made in different techniques of painting.

Near the gallery, in the street that today has his name, there is also a memorial house of Sava Sumanovic.
Naive Art
Sid is a real art city, so if you like the naive art, next to the gallery Sava Sumanovic, there is an exhibit space of the images in the category of naive art.

Priva’s Head
Village Privina Glava is also in the same municipality, (translated in English it’s Priva’s head). There is a beautiful monastery in that village, with the same name, from the XII century.
Monastery Priva’s Head

Today in the monastery complex, there are three churches: Virgin Shroud, which was built in 2004, St. George was built in 2006 and The raising the Holy Cross was built in 2010 on the hill above the monastery.

Abbot of the monastery Priva’s Head is Father Gavrilo Maric, who is very popular among the people because he is partially responsible for the construction of the other churches within the monastery.
Additional recommendation
If you decide to spend a day longer at this location, my recommendation is to visit the Memorial of Syrmia Front and a source of thermal water at just 5 km from Sid. If you are a potential investor interested in the thermal springs, this is unexploited.
In addition to the attractions all along, you’ll pass through untouched nature and breathe fresh, clean, mountain air.
Again very close, but on the other side, there is the village of Morovic and a hunting area with the same name.
Tito’s paths
Hunting area Morovic is in northwest Serbia, 100 km from Belgrade and only 5 km from the border with Croatia, Batrovci. It’s located in a beautiful oak forest that is intersected by three rivers- Sava, Bosut and Studva.
If you leave the car in the village, you can reach the beautiful hunting area by a light walk of around 5-6km.

The hunting area belongs to the military institution Morovic, in which there are 2 villas and 5 bungalows for lodging.

It is even more famous for the villa Roe Deer, built by the former President Tito. The whole village is linked to Josip Broz Tito. The whole ambiance of the villa is decorated with valuable hunting trophies from the rich hunting area Morovic.

Within the complex, there is a circular path through the woods for a walk.


If you became hungry after all this walking through the beautiful nature there is a traditional restaurant Kosuta (Hind).

Inside the Hind restaurant.

Coffee in the restaurant was excellent and double espresso without milk was only 0.4 euros 🙂 . Prices are more than affordable.
Where and what can you eat?
As I have already mentioned the food (yummy) I should now say something about where and what to eat. Cafes and restaurants are certainly not lacking.
If you want to drink coffee and you are in Sid, right across the church, there is a very nice cafe in stone. However, if you change your mind, and decide for a quick snack and order pizza in the same place.

However, I’m more for the real food. As we spent the day near the hunting area and even been there, I think that we should evaluate wildlife that hunters bring to the restaurants.
On the end, we didn’t eat at a hind restaurant, even though the food is also delicious there. We went back to the center of the village and had dinner at the restaurant M&T.

Finally, we decided to try some Venison stew with polenta and sauerkraut as a salad. It was…mmmm…yummy 🙂

For dessert, we got a cookie (cake) Urmašice. So, who knows me, knows that I can eat them a lot, but ….. This one wasn’t to my taste, I even think it was a total failure, so do not order Urmašice.
Music and dance floor
Apart from food and drinks and the music, some have partied in this way:

At the end, I am going to tell you about the total costs: a bus or a car (not rental) are approx 10 euros, lunch 5 euros, and both museum entrance fees are 2.5 euros.
Finally, no matter how much it costs, it isn’t too much if you want to see all this beauty and to have such an experience in this untouched nature of Syrmia (Srem).

It is more beautiful in nature 🙂