Top 13 things Livigno what to do or where to go


We have managed to get to Livigno and found the BEST ACCOMMODATION ever. And then, like all good skiers, we checked all the BEST SKI TRAILS and had a great time.

Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

We had a little time left before dinner and asked ourselves what to do now, tomorrow, or what if we got tired of skiing, or the weather is terrible…

There are so many options for each of these questions…

Livigno for skiers and non-skiers

After the third year in a row I had spend skiing in Livigno, my friends started asking me if I got tired of it, this or that…

I did not get bored of it, nor that was possible, not if there’s so much to do there… even now, after 7 years of going there, I still haven’t tried everything 🙂

There is always something fun to do in Livigno.

What if you have young kids who don’t ski, or still have to learn how to ski?

We went for a walk on either side of Livigno, so that we could see ourselves some of the activities Livigno has to offer for the young ones.

Carosselo is the more attractive side which is better for the ski schools as well. The trails are shorter, and all of them are blue. However, this is similar on Mottolino side as well.

Livigno skijanje / Livigno italy ski

Kids can be entertained at the bottom of the hill, there is something similar to the kindergarten, but available only for a couple of hours. It looks like a small winter park.

Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

We used this fenced part to contribute to their skiing somehow. That was certainly allowed. We taught them how to ski and hung out with our and other kids.

Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

Wrestle with your kids

Kids love that… either in the snow or in the hotel room. My kids still remember these days.

If you are not a skier either

Go snow tubing

The option of snow tubing is both for the ones who don’t or can’t ski for any reason, or even for the ones who are tired of skiing and want a different kind of adrenaline. We used to go tubing most when our kids were younger and we didn’t ski much. Tubes are a thing for the entire family. A complete madness, speed, twisting, colliding, pushing…

We all wanted one more go on tubes 🙂

Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

Go to the pools and to the wellness center

Not the ones within the hotel. In the bottom part of the village, closer to the lake is Aquagrand center.

There are all sorts of fun both for the kids and for the grownups, slides, things to climb up and down, sprinklers…

Pools for recreational swimming, a wellness center with all kinds of massages, jacuzzi, fitness program…

We didn’t have to worry about the food there… there was both bar and the restaurant…

The only thing we needed was money… but they aren’t so small so that you should know you need to pay for all of this.

What is Livigno like for skiers? 

If you don’t feel like skiing that day


Challenge a friend to a race… We didn’t have the need for such adrenaline, but if you like that… it is all on the frozen Livigno lake 🙂

Go Cart or Motor sledges

Go climbing

I recommend hiking and trekking… however, you do need comfortable shoes. This should be planned ahead so that you have all equipment you need.

Check out some famous cafes and sunbathe

Bivio is one of the best-known cafes and restaurants in Livigno. That’s where you go to see and to be seen 🙂 It is located in the main street in the very center.

Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

It may not look so sunny, but we did tan 🙂

Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

Climb Mottolino to Mottolino Meeting Point restaurant

Hang out with your fellow skiers on the break

Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

Shop, shop, shop

Livigno for skiers and non-skiers 🙂

I could’ve mentioned this at the very beginning. However, I wanted to avoid my husband’s comments such as, ‘What else would you talk about’, ‘Not everyone likes shopping’, or ‘One thing you think of is where to spend your money’.

Let me just tell you… you haven’t been to Livigno if you don’t shop.

Numerous shops are located along the long main street, both on the left and on the right side. Brands, smaller brands, not even brands…

Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

There are also a lot of shops in the smaller streets and alleys. Mostly cosmetic stores (perfumes, makeup, creme…) Cigarettes are the best bargain (but they are harmful so don’t buy those), liquor (not too much, just a little :)) and cosmetics.

Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

Remember that you need to go home and exit the tax-free zone with all those cigarettes and booze. That is where the police awaits, and they can open your trunk and search it completely… in order to count all the cigarette boxes and bottles.

If you want to pay a visit to the Swiss mundane places… they are right there.

St. Moritz

Only 65 km away.

We devoted one day to go and visit all the ski trails. It all looks like Livigno, but St. Moritz is still St. Moritz.

It is a real mundane town and you can walk its beautiful streets.

St. Moritz / Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

St. Moritz / Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

St. Moritz / Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to doSt. Moritz / Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

St. Moritz / Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to doSt. Moritz / Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

You can also visit Davos

146 km

You should also see the town every big industrial European force is rushing to. For the ones who didn’t know, that is where the European Economy Summit takes place.

The entrance to the city is very different… you can’t enter the city any other way but by a train… you need to leave any vehicle on the train, and board it in order to get to the town 🙂

St. Moritz / Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

When it starts getting dark, and it looks like everything is already asleep, it is there…

Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

Time to party, revel and enjoy…

Time to party with your friends in Bivio (you should find a place on time) till the early morning hours… you just need to get there as early as possible 🙂 We wanted to see and be seen 🙂 The kids are old enough to come along… Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

Some other locations aside from Bivio:

  1. Under Carosella- STALET
  2. Marcos Pub
  3. Miky disco club 

The rest you can find yourself 🙂

After you’ve had enough to eat and drink, you can cool off… night skiing and a night stroll through the village and the main street.

This place is awake 24h/ 7

Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

And then, straight home to bed, because tomorrow is a new day.

Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

In case not even this was enough… there is still a solution for you… it is not all that hopeless.

Just pick an arrow 🙂 and add 300 km more, because the cursor didn’t wanna disappoint you completely 🙂


Livinjo za skijaše / Livigno what to do

For my faithful readers click on the link for little present:

Livigno Holiday Catalogue

Shopping GUIDA for Livigno


Hi, I'm Suzana!

Rođena u Beogradu. Diplomirala na Mašinskom Fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu (smer Vazduhoplovstvo). Majka, supruga, putujući kulinarski hedonista. Istraživač, sportista i organizator.

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