Vanilla cream


Or cream made of vanilla

Traditional vanilla cream used in the Italian cuisine for most of their dishes.

Rich, creamy, with full vanilla flavor.

10 min COOKING
Intermediate PREPARE


  • 250 ml milk
  • 3-5 eggs, depending on their size
  • 80 gr sugar
  • 3 teaspoons vanilla aroma


  1. Whisk eggs with sugar.
  2. Heat some milk on steam.
  3. Pour some of the heated milk into the egg mixture and stir it. Slowly pour the received mixture into the heated milk with constant stirring.
  4. Remove from the heat and add some vanilla aroma, still stirring it.
  5. Filtrate the mixture by using a colander.
  6. Pour it into a jar and cover with a foil so that it doesn’t create crust.
  7. Put it into the fridge to chill.

Even the best cookies are tastier with this recipe. It is enough to say- magical vanilla cream.

Some of the possibilities for its usage are: dressing for apple onions, Pan di Spagna, apple strudel, or as a filling for doughnuts, or even ice cream or kompot made of fruit by your choice.

It’s prepared very quickly.

You should be careful when cooking cream on steam. It shouldn’t be undercooked nor overcooked, in order to get the desired texture.

Vanilla cream can be poured in jars and kept in fridge for approximately 7 days. That is the option for later usage. However, it’s so tasteful that there is usually nothing to be kept for later.

Look at the video on how to cook this famous cream. You will understand why it’s so simple to prepare and so efficient for usage.

In case you like none of the offered combinations, I always have something more to offer. American pancakes with vanilla cream and berries.

I am sure you won’t be wrong no matter which variation you decide to prepare. This is an evergreen flavor.

Hi, I'm Sanja Pejic!

Ćao svima! Ja sam Sanja, rođena sam u Beogradu, a živim i radim u Italiji. Bavim se klasičnom muzikom, sviram violinu i klavir. Volim psihologiju, umetnost i uživam u kuvanju. Često eksperimentišem i spajam italijansku i našu domaću kuhinju :) .

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